Consultancy services, and contributions to the International Software Industry 

Industry Consultancy in Software Engineering since 1998:

In parallel to my full-time academic career, I am also a practicing software engineering consultant, trainer and coach. I am passionate about this since I beleive it is important to ensure relevance of software engineering research

My main objective is to help software engineers develop and test software intensive-systems in a more effective and efficient manner.

I actively provide consultancy and corporate training services in the areas of software testing and quality assurance, model-driven development, and software maintenance. Many of those consultancy activities has led, in the past, to several innovative and exciting collaborative industry-academia research projects

I have had the pleasure of collaborating with 30+ companies in several countries so far in my career. 

Portfolio of my industry-academia collaborations and projects:

Some of the companies, that I have collaborated with in the past and also currently, are listed in the right-hand side. 

The following side-set summarizes the portfolio of my consulting services and industry-academia collaborations since 2006. It contains a few slides from each industry project and highlights how we helped companies develop and test software intensive-systems in an effective and efficient manner.

Industry-academia collaborations in SE-Sept 5.pptx

A selected list of consulting services and projects: 

Client (industry partner): Saha BT (IT) A.Ş., Turkey

Time duration of consulting engagement: 2019- now

Client's needs:

What we offered (solution): 

Impacts of our work: This consulting engagement and industry-academic collaboration has provided various benefits and improvements in the context of the industry partner, such as:

Test automation with the Gauge framework-Experience and best practices.pdf

Client (industry partner): HAVELSAN A.Ş., Ankara, Turkey

Time duration of consulting engagement: 2015- 2019

Client's needs:

What we offered (solution): Through a great/effective industry-academia collaboration, lasting 4 years, we accomplished a LOT, some of which were:

Impacts of our work: 

Interested to use my services?

To discuss consulting opportunities, interested companies and practitioners can contact me.

Talks in indstrial Software Engineering Conferences

I get invitations to present talks in industrial software engineering conferences or local events organized by companies. The following is a selected list of my industry talks in the past. Slides of most talks can be found in my profile. Some of the videos are also on YouTube.










A few selected videos from my industry talks

An overview of automated test suites and defect density in Android

Android Developer Days, June 14-15, 2013, Ankara, Turkey

Slides can be found here...

Deciding what and when to automate in testing: Experience from multiple projects 

Netherlands Test Automation Day, Rotterdam, Netherlands, June 21, 2018

Slides can be found here...